Proposed results


1. Create a database of wind characteristics in the Black Sea, in general, and especially in the Romanian nearshore. This information may be useful for studies such as the assessment of the wind energy near the costal and offshore Romanian areas in order to install wind farms.

2. Create a database with the simulation results containing the information concerning the main parameters related to the wave conditions in the Black Sea.

3. Create a database with multi-satellite measurements in the Black Sea basin.

4. Identifying the systematic errors that occur in wave predictions with numerical models against the satellite data, structured by months, seasons and global for 10 years.

5. Highlight the main features of the wave climate in the Black Sea for period analized. Comparative studies to other enclosed seas. These results may provide a solid basis to increase the safer navigation in the Black Sea and also the support for the offshore and harbor operations.

6. Studies on DA schemes currently applied, highlighting the main advantages and disadvantages.

7. A functional DA scheme in the numerical modeling system considered for the wave generation level represented by the Black Sea basin.

8. Charts, graphs and statistical results, designed for 10-year period considered, which can be identified through the implementation of improved forecast products for the SWH parameter by applying the DA methodology.

9. Charts, graphs and statistical results carried out for another 2-year period, identifying the impact of the improved SWH forecasting by implementing DA methodology.

10. Studies on the importance of various physical processes in the context of the specific conditions from the Romanian nearshore.

11. Studies on the influence of the local conditions on the wave regime.

12. A DA methodology associated with the system for operational wave predictions.

13. Research on the effectiveness of the DA methodology for the entire Black Sea basin, in general and for the Romanian coastal environment, in special.

14. Comparative studies to analyze the effectiveness  of the new methodologies applied.

15. Effectiveness evaluation of the methodology based on Kalman filter.

16. Comparative studies between the results obtained with different DA methodologies. The impact analysis of the DA methodology in the generation area and in local areas.

17. Studies on the accuracy of the simulated results in extreme energy conditions.

18. Designing methodologies and procedures to  correct the model results, for the cases when  significant errors occur.










Data Assimilation Methods for improving the WAVE predictions in the Romanian nearshore of the Black Sea


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